In the past, iPads were mainly used for learning purposes, with many using them to read eBooks and textbooks. However, there has been a massive shift: that was the past, and this is the future, where we are living in a time where professionals such as pilots are using iPads as right-hand navigational devices. For the modern-day pilot, the iPad has become what the smartphone is to the modern car operator: an essential tool for getting the operator from Point A to Point B.
But why? Why exactly is the aviation industry shifting to iPads to get the job done on every flight? And how will this phenomenon of iPads in aviation continue to impact the industry in the years to come?
Here’s a rundown on how iPads in aviation today are revolutionizing the world of work for pilots and will likely continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

Value of iPads in Aviation
The iPad offers a multitude of uses for those who work in the aviation industry. For instance, iPads can serve as a handy weather data source, and it can also be a convenient flight planner. You can also use your iPad as a NOTAM checker, map, and balance/weight calculator.
In other words, with an iPad, you can get all of the information you need for a flight all in one place and at your fingertips. As a result, you can be more organized, more informed, and safer in your air travels with an iPad as your copilot. See a real-life example of an iPad with our Cooling Case being used in a Rotavia Aircraft here.
Learning Curves Associated with iPads in Aviation
If you’re preparing for a flight and plan to use an iPad during it, it’s critical that you understand the various iPad uses for work in the aviation industry. The reality is, the Federal Aviation Administration allows pilots to use iPads on check rides, but many pilots/ pilots in training haven’t mastered how to utilize these devices effectively.
So, as the aviation industry shifts to iPads in its operations, make sure that you know how to download legends that are specific to the maps or charts you’ll be using in the air. In addition, make sure that you know where specific takeoff or alternate minimums can be found for your particular airport if you are instrument rated. Another important step when you’re using an iPad is to know what your flight planning app is doing. For instance, you need to know how the app computes your en-route time, your heading, and your fuel burn.
Another Important Consideration When Using iPads in Aviation
One of the biggest challenges that pilots face when using iPads for work is determining where they should position these devices. For instance, an iPad generally shouldn’t be mounted in the plane’s front window, as it will block the pilot’s or copilot’s view. Likewise, attaching it to the yoke will only make it hard for the pilot to see the engine’s instruments. However, if you use a kneeboard, you can easily access the iPad when you need it without having to worry about it getting in your way. Wherever you place the device, it shouldn’t bar you from seeing the traffic around you or deflecting your aircraft’s control wheel.
Experience the Benefits of iPads in Aviation with the Right Accessories Today
At X-naut, we offer a wide range of tools designed to make using an iPad easier than ever before during your flights. For instance, with our kneeboards, you can mount your iPad to your leg for constantly easy access. We also offer a top-of-the-line Pilot Series iPad Cooling Case, which will prevent your iPad from overheating when you need it the most.
Get in touch with us to learn more about how we can help you to make the most of your iPad every time you hit the open skies in the months ahead.